FAM (Foster Adoptive Ministry)

This ministry began in August of 2016  when we rallied behind our pastor and his wife when they took in a sibling group of 3 children to foster and adopt. We provided clothing, furniture and toys to help them provide for their needs. Our church body loved serving our pastor’s family so much and many were shocked to find out that many foster, kinship, and adoptive families do not have many resources available to help them when a child enters their care. In January 2017, Spring Creek Baptist Church started its first Foster Closet, which is now known as FAM (Foster Adoptive Ministry). FAM’s mission is to serve foster, kinship, and adoptive families, by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of families as exemplified in James 1:27 - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” In serving these families, all children in a foster, kinship, and adoptive home including any biological children benefit from our resources. The FAM team created two events to help families with school supplies, called our Back to School Bash, and with Christmas gifts, called our Parent Shop Event. Over the last 7 years, FAM is seeing a greater need for resources as more children are entering foster care, and families are saying yes to more kids in their homes. The families that attend these events vary in size from small families with 1-3 children, to large families with 6+ children in their care. 

Back to School Bash

Our Back to School Bash is by far our largest event with the most presence in our community. Families that attend this event register about 6 weeks prior to the bash that is held at the end of July. When they register we obtain their school information and Shoe sizes of all the kids in their household. Prior to the event we pack boxes with school supplies for each child in each family according to their schools required supply list, anything that we are unable to fill highlighted so that the family knows what they still need to acquire before school starts. During the event, the families each have an opportunity to “shop” with their kids. Each child shops for a backpack, a new lunch box, a water bottle (when available), a new pair of tennis shoes, and socks (when available). Outside of the shopping area are booths/tables with various activities from sporty games to face painting, Just Dance videos and food to provide the whole family with a fun positive experience. This is a great setting in which we can literally be the hands and feet of Jesus serving these children and their families. When they are done having fun at the bash they drive through our curbside pickup and we load their school supplies in their vehicles and pray with them at their vehicle before we send them off.

Parent Shop Event

Many of these families have a hard time providing Christmas gifts for their children. Our Parent Shop event is a parent only event that we provide in mid November to allow these parents to shop for their kids alone. The intention is to give them a few gifts for each child to offset their costs and ease  their financial burden during the holiday season. Prior to this event, families register their children and provide their ages and their interests. FAM team makes every effort to make sure that there are options available for every child. Gifts are usually sorted into gift categories like stocking stuffers, books/ board games/ puzzles, stuffed animals/blankets, general selection that is sorted by tables into their various subcategories. FAM recognizes that teens are harder to shop for because most of them just want expensive tech items, so we endeavor to have $25 gift cards for as many teens as possible starting with our oldest, and working our way down in age the more gift cards we have available. When a parent attends this event the venue is warm and inviting. We have a treat area with coffee, tea, cocoa and treats. Parents also have the opportunity to use our prayer room where a team member will pray with them and for them whatever their need may be. 

How Can I Get Involved?

  1. PRAY- Prayer is the most powerful thing we can ask for. Pray for the events, for the people organizing the events, for the families that attend the event and if God is calling you to be involved.

  2. SEND - Send your foster, kinship, and adoptive parents information about this great resource!

  3. GIVE- The fastest and easiest way to give is online through our website. Please allocate all funds to FAM (Foster Adoptive Ministry). 

  4. DONATE - Run a collection drive for school supplies or toys. See the last page for recommendations for collecting donations. 

  5. SERVE- come help us make a difference by helping before, during and after these events.