This ministry began in August of 2016 when we rallied behind our pastor and his wife when they took in a sibling group of 3 children to foster and adopt. We provided clothing, furniture and toys to help them provide for their needs. Our church body loved serving our pastor’s family so much and many were shocked to find out that many foster, kinship, and adoptive families do not have many resources available to help them when a child enters their care. In January 2017, Spring Creek Baptist Church started its first Foster Closet, which is now known as FAM (Foster Adoptive Ministry). FAM’s mission is to serve foster, kinship, and adoptive families, by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of families as exemplified in James 1:27 - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” In serving these families, all children in a foster, kinship, and adoptive home including any biological children benefit from our resources. The FAM team created two events to help families with school supplies, called our Back to School Bash, and with Christmas gifts, called our Parent Shop Event. Over the last 7 years, FAM is seeing a greater need for resources as more children are entering foster care, and families are saying yes to more kids in their homes. The families that attend these events vary in size from small families with 1-3 children, to large families with 6+ children in their care.
FAM (Foster Adoptive Ministry)